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Check-in & out
Check-in time 16:00;Check-out time 12:00 (we offer luggage room for temporary storage).
Front desk service hour 08:30~21:30
Smoking indoor is prohibited.
No drinking and eating in guestroom.
Do not yell or speak loud.
No pet.
If you have infectious disease, please inform us when you check in.
If you feel ill during your stay, please inform our staff immediately.
Please do not run indoor. Keep your valuable belonging with you.
Guest under 12-year-old need to be accompanied by adults.
For security issue, front door (building entrance door) will be locked from 21:30 to 08:30, please bring your keys with you.
Visitor is not allowed to enter the room. Visiting hour is from 08:30 to 21:30.
Please let us know if you have any idea or comment about us.
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北門臥客青年旅舍 合法旅館編號第500號 / 台北臥客旅店 合法旅館編號第625號
2F., No.26, Gangu St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, Taiwan (R.O.C.) E-mail : TEL : 02-2555 7177 FAX : 02-2555 7707
© 2017 台北臥客國際有限公司
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